
I do enjoy singing.

This likely started when I discovered music as a youngster.  And I’m sure it developed because of a great Youth Choir experience at Severn Baptist Church with a great married couple, Al & Margaret Hunter, as director and pianist.  Such dedicated volunteers and talented musicians.  Mr. Hunter would take time off from work in the summers to take the Youth Choir “On Tour” usually for a week visiting and singing for Churches as far away as South Carolina.

Since I am often behind the controls while engineering recording sessions, I don’t often get a chance to sing on recordings.  I have done a few tracks here and there with the assistance of “deputized” engineers with brief training (“Sit here, push this button to start, this button to stop, this to start over”).

Recently, we’ve been in the Amore Alta studio working on new tracks for “OPERATION LET THE FIRE FALL (OLTFF).”  This project is preparing liturgical music to be distributed to Catholic military chaplains.  I’ve had the pleasure of being included in the vocal ensemble and having all the technical details handled by Paul Mercer, a talented engineer (and recent convert).OLTFF Vocal Session

There’s a real satisfaction that comes from the blending of different human voices, either in unison or singing rich harmonies, especially when it’s done all for the glory of God.  St. Cecilia, ora pro nobis.

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